2 Powerful Ways To Gain Clarity in Life & Business

Trending topic, gain clarity, seems simple enough, but oh how difficult it can be. What the heck do I want or want to do? Especially, because to gain clarity, you have to dig deep.

Who can raise their hand to any of the statements below...

I have no idea what I want

I have big dreams, but no idea where and how to begin

My goals aren’t getting checked off

I feel stuck

When is the “right time” going to show up?

I have a business idea, but who the heck will buy it

What is my niche?

I have a good career, but still wanting more

Any of these statements sound familiar? How many times did you raise your hands? Well, you my friend, need to gain clarity.

No need to worry over it though. Using the 2 powerful ways below will help you gain clarity and step into the life and/or business you dream of. You are 100% worth your wildest dreams.


Gaining Clarity: The Specifics

Gaining clarity leads you to your soul's true purpose. The purpose that lights you up, brings you joy and what you were put on this planet to do. We have several different purposes, as we wear many hats throughout life. But there is always one that looms in front of us that we truly need to wipe fog away from and figure it out.

It comes down to who you are, authentically, and what you want. But also, taking it a step further and getting into the nitty gritty, not basic stuff. For example, right now I wish I had something sweet to eat while writing this. But being more specific, I want an ooey gooey chocolate peanut butter brownie. I want it to be slightly warm and on a plate right next to me so I can slowly enjoy every last crumb of it.

Because setting for one chocolate square just wouldn't do. It wouldn't bring me as much joy or light me up as much.

If only life decisions were as simple as ordering the most perfect dessert. Sheesh. Because let's be honest, gaining true clarity and focus on what we want out of life and business requires a lot of inner work, and quite frankly that can be scary AF.

The Power of Gaining Clarity

Gaining clarity is truly a game changer. Let’s say you want to make more money (well duh we all do). So you ask the universe to bring you more money, or say I want to make money by selling (insert passion or product here). That’s a great first step, but you need to be more clear. In that sense you could make $1 and quickly achieve that goal of making more money, right.

Now, let’s get real and dig deeper. How about you want to make $5,000 during the launch of your new health coaching biz. That’s real, that’s tangible and when you manifest that and send it out to the universe you will achieve it. That’s clarity.

Ok, ok, we are getting ahead of ourselves. Reel it back in, because gaining clarity is usually hidden under piled up self limiting beliefs, fear, area of lack and unorganized thoughts.

Hey, I’ve been there I get. I knew the basics of what I wanted, but never truly gave it real thought. When I would sit down to streamline it, I would quickly become overwhelmed, stressed and limit my real talents. This would cause me to shut down and/or procrastinate. I would then go back to living in my comfort zone where I didn’t have to face that feeling. However, a different feeling came about, that fear of not living my soul’s true purpose and feeling stuck, forever wishing for more.

Yikes, pretty sure you can agree you don’t want to live a life of “wishing.”

So how do you gain clarity without feeling overwhelmed, stress and self sabotaging yourself?

Below are my top 2 powerful ways to gain clarity. Tried and true, because that is how I switched from no idea to a clear picture and plan.

1) Slow down to gain clarity

Hustle is not always how dreams come to life. Hustle requires a lot of time and effort doing tangible actions outside of ourselves. Not sure how hustle become a popular business and life tactic.

Time to settles for a slow down. The real way to gain clarity is to look inside ourselves instead. To spend time inward, we need to slow down.

We need to quiet the outside worry to truly gain focus on all our inner thoughts and feelings. All the answers are inside of us.

I repeat, all the answers are already inside of you. You have exactly what you need to go inward, gain clarity and take action towards your soul aligned purpose. You must slow down and listen to find and uncover those answers.

Simple ways to incorporate a “slow down” in your daily schedule:

  • Practice mindfulness

  • Power off electronics (TV, phone, computer, tablet)

  • Meditation

  • Yoga

  • Solo walks

  • Journaling

  • Learn to say no

  • Breathe

  • Enjoy the beautiful outdoors

  • Clear a day from your to-do list (trust me, it will be ok)

  • Enjoy you coffee slowly, just you and your mug

Try one, try them all. See what jives with you. remember to be patient with yourself , as with anything in life, it takes practice.

I used to take a daily ride on the hustle bus. Actually, I still do sometimes, but quickly learning, it is not worth the overwhelm and side of effects of stress. I would fill my work schedule, failing to leave time for what truly brought me happiness; healthy eating, running, exercise, reading, fun outdoor adventures and hanging with family/friends. And if I tried to fit it all in, I would be past exhaustion, unable to fully give in all areas of my life.

I added yoga to my schedule and quickly realized it was exactly what I needed, what my body and mind were craving. It led me to also incorporate meditation into my morning routine.

My mind went from being constantly stimulated, basically going through the motions of life, to quiet and able to receive. It was then when I gained clarity. It opened up space in my mind to wonder and dream.

So slow down, get quiet and be patient as you allow clarity to flow your way in your newly opened space.

2) Release it

Easier said then down, drop control and release it. Ouch.

Ever hear one of those stories where a kid loved a little animal so much it squeezed it until it died? Well, basically the same is true here. You get your mind so engulfed on gaining clarity that it becomes overwhelmed and shuts down. The overwhelmed mind just says no.

Shift from what do I want, to what do I already know, what am I good at. Release endlessly searching for your purpose and what you want and redirect your thoughts. Try coming at it from a round about way. Releasing the need for a specific outcome will reduce the pressure and by focusing on your likes and strengths, it brings you back you. Back to the true, authentic you.

When you release it, you are able to find joy in the process. Joy allows thoughts to flow freely and effortlessly. Try it!

Nothing in life should be forced, so release it. Create space in your life and will come to you.

Releasing it also means to release your own self doubts and other's opinions. Too often those beliefs halt us in our tracks and quickly draw a limit line. Then we sit behind in our cozy comfort zones. But that's not getting clear, that's staying stuck. Ain't nobody got time for that.

Vow right now to release the doubt. Replace it with positivity. Repeat after me, " I release self doubt and replace it with (confidence, courage, trust, certainty, etc). Keep repeating until you fully believe it.

You will never gain true clarity if you don't release it, that dark cloud will always show up some way some how.

Let's Recap

No need to hop on the hustle bus when it comes to your purpose. It's your purpose and your's only. To gain clarity you must slow down and release it. release the outcome, other's opinions and your own doubts. Let it go and let it flow to you.

Do not overwhelm yourself trying to figure it out, nothing meant to be is ever forced.

And always remember, do the inner work first, might be tough, but you my friend are totally worth it!


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