How to Break Barriers & Achieve Success

Ever think back to when you were young and very much tested authority? Not in a bad way, but we were curious and fearless children. Your parents said not to do something or touch someone, but of course we had to do it anyway. In fact the more they said no, it only fired us up to do it even more. Can you agree? So what happened to that part of you? Do you continue to push limits and take risks, or are you chilling in your comfort zone. A comfort zone is nice...feels safe...but I guarantee your mind races over achieving more every day. Right?

I want to share my personal story first. Than I will follow up with steps on how you too can begin to push past your own limits.

A little background on me

I was born with a rare disease known as erythropoietic protoporphyria (EPP for short) in which causes me to be extremely sensitive to UV rays. So to sum it up I am allergic to the sun. Yes, I know, crazy! I am only able to tolerate about 15 mins of direct sunlight before I get a reaction. This disease is actually a blood disorder, not skin. My skin will show no signs, but the pain is absolutely excruciating on my skin. It is basically like having a chemical burn underneath my skin. The reaction occurs to whatever area of skin that was exposed. That area of skin will feel like it is on fire, with people sticking thousands of needles into it and ripping it off. This pain lasts for 3-4 days. The only thing that somewhat helps in sitting in a cool, dark room. Pain medication does not help at all.

There is no cure currently. The FDA has recently passed a drug to prolong our pain free sun exposure. However, the drug has not been released to the public yet. Basically to be outside I require UV protective clothes (pants, long sleeve, hat, gloves, shoes, buff to cover face). Sunscreen does not help at all, it actually makes it worse.

I began to show symptoms at the age of 2, therefore I know no different and all this is my normal. Growing up my parents never let me miss out on anything. We went camping in all the shady spots, played outside after the sun went down and covered up at school events to participate.

Time to Push Limits

My disease tells me to stay indoors away from the sun. To go out at night, after the sun goes down and to like certain activities I can safely complete inside. The only way to avoid the pain from EPP is to avoid the sun completely.


I AM NOT OK WITH THAT! You see... I was also born with a love for being outdoors and adventurous. Ironic how I was blessed with EPP and the love for being outside, but I am thankful. So I choose to never allow my disease to hold me back. My disease will never define me. Just the same as whatever obstacle you may face, should never define you. EVER.

You can typically find me outside, either enjoying the shade or covered up head to toe in the sun. I love to go camping and hiking. I am a runner and prefer long distances. I also enjoy kayaking, fishing, snowboarding and always up for trying something new. Love to catch the sunrise and sunset.

Now I have always been adventurous and a limit pusher. However, covering up head to toe in UV protective clothes and going in public on a hot sunny day is somewhat new to me. I would choose the shade or go outside later; fish at sunset from the beach, camp in the shade. It was easy to cover up while snowboarding because it was cold and everyone else was just as covered up. I never wanted to look abnormal, didn't want to be different. Never wanted to even tell people about my disease if they didn't have to know in fear they would look and/or treat me differently.

When I was 26, I went through a divorce and taught myself how to live with more courage, built strength and tenacity and didn't mind if people wanted to judge. I than began to cover up in public on the sunniest and warmest days. Yes, at first the stares were absolutely gut wrenching, but I learned to be ok with it. It allowed me freedom and allowed me to break more barriers within myself and chase goals/dreams.

It is my life and I choose to have control of it and do what sets my soul on fire. Limits are only imaginary lines we create in our heads. They are made to be crushed and pushed past. Only you, as your own individual has that power! Stop allowing barriers to keep you in a comfort zone. It is most certainly time to get uncomfortable and make a change.

My Recent Achievement

On March 7, 2020 I ran my first full marathon. It was windy, cold and the sun was bright. I ran the entire race and finished without a sun reaction.

I found my love for running about two and a half years ago when I trained for my first half marathon. No idea what I was doing, but signed up. A huge step outside of my comfort zone, but I began training and figured it all out as it unfolded. I was unsure how I could do it avoiding the sun and truth is, prior to it I hated running.

So how did I do it? I specifically picked the Myrtle Beach Marathon for a few reasons;

  • Hotels by the ocean would provide shade for a lot of miles

  • Early start time, sun was not up yet making the first wide open miles easier

  • colder temperature at that time of year, so I could easily cover up without dying

  • training period prior to race would be dark before/after work to get my runs in

I trained for 16 weeks with Black Dog Running Company. Consistency was key with keeping up with 5 runs a week, averaging 25-40 miles per week. Most of my training miles were logged early AM, with a few post sunset. It was cold, therefore, I was mostly covered up with the exception of my face. I would either wear a hat or have a buff readily available to pull down over my face. It took planning, dedication and lots of hard work. The planning occurred during the process. I faced it all as it came about. I honestly believe it took more mental work that physical. The physical work got me started, but the mental work brought me to the finish line for sure. Hence why our minds are so powerful. Learning to adapt and have the correct mindset is a game changer.

During training sometimes I could easily run 10 miles and other days I felt 1 mile was tough. It is all building up for race day though. The race was not easy. I did not train for it to be easy, I trained to be able to endure it and push past everything when it got tough both mentally and physically. Honestly if it was easy, the finish line wouldn't have meant as much as it did to me. Same goes for your goals and dreams. If they were easy to achieve they wouldn't mean much or provide you with huge success.

Post Race Thoughts

  • I had a lot of fun actually

  • My feet were really beginning to hurt around mile 21-ish. There was a lady with a sign there that said if your feet hurt, its because you are kicking ass. Loved the motivation.

  • Mantras are very powerful

  • Pizza at the finish line motivated my last few miles

  • You literally can achieve anything you put your mind to

  • Once the limit is pushed you can see even further beyond

  • My sun reactions from EPP are more painful than running a marathon

Honestly though...if I can do it, YOU TOTALLY CAN TOO!

Maybe it's not a marathon, it can be anything your heart desires. Career dreams, entrepreneurial success, fitness goals, relationships, travel, etc... You must break the barriers and push limits to achieve success.

Everything about my disease tells me to stay inside, but I choose not to. I could barely run a half mile, two and a half years ago, but I signed up for the half marathon training anyway. During the marathon I wanted to stop multiple times, but I didn't because I knew the finish line was closer with each step forward. I could choose to not cover up and go outside for fun, but I have one life and I want to fully live it.

We all need to fully live, so lets vow right now to not allow barriers and imaginary lines called limits hold us back any longer. The choice is yours. It is more of a mindset right now. So what mindset are you choosing? Are going to take the first step towards what you want or will you allow the barrier to keep you stagnant?

Here are 6 quick tips right now to Break Barriers and Achieve success

  1. Allow yourself to dream. Actually dream big! Sit down and figure out what you want to achieve. What is success to you?

  2. Write it down and keep it somewhere you can see it on a daily basis

  3. Use the power of positivity by removing the "what if's" and negative self talk. Replace your "can't" with "can".

  4. Begin NOW. You don't have to see the whole path or have it all figured out. You just have to take the first step. It is a journey.

  5. Always believe in yourself, be your biggest fan.

  6. Be consistent and chase it every. single. day.

Time to get out of your head and into the game. No more imaginary lines holding you back. Chase it. Reap the benefits and chase it some more. You my friend, are capable of all things and I am looking forward to what you achieve! Go get your success!


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