How Daily Positive Affirmations Can Change Your Life

Think of something negative someone told you and how it affected you. Maybe, it still does affect you. Chances are that it may even hold you back from achieving something you truly desire in life. Hence, showing us the power of words. It is a power that can make or break us, build us up or tear us down. Luckily though, we can control that power by how we speak to ourselves.

Affirmations are words, phrases and mantras that we speak to ourselves as positive encouragement. No, affirmations are not some creepy voodoo you wave your wand over yourself to create. Unless you're into that, go ahead, go you! When utilized on a regular basis they can aid in manifestation, changing your mindset and giving you a refreshed outlook on whatever is you are facing.

Speaking To Your Subconscious

Your subconscious mind is an automatic data center that processes everything thrown it's way. It is basically the gate keeper of what crosses over into your conscious as the information is needed for a specific task or function. Until needed it stays lurking in the back of your mind.

So remember how we talked above about a negative comment you once received. Maybe someone told you that your dreams were far fetched and to snap back to reality. Later down the road you come across a great opportunity that your heart desires, but your subconscious steps in and reminds you of that negative feeling you have been holding on to. Your subconscious leaks the feeling of, "my dream is far fetched, they were right, I can't achieve (blank)", over to your conscious mind and cuts your hearts desires off. Ouch!

Your subconscious mind literally records everything and is doing the behind the scenes work for your conscious mind. It is beyond powerful and controls a huge chunk of your life. Therefore, if you feed it negativity that is exactly what you will receive in return. You can't eat ice cream all day, everyday and expect to have washboard abs. We all get that, that is basic knowledge/common sense. So why do we feed our mind negativity and expect positive results?

Instead start speaking positive to yourself. Stop being your own worst enemy. Show yourself some love and well deserved appreciation. Here is the best part have the power to change what thoughts come from your subconscious and into everyday life. It is proven that speaking positive affirmations about yourself and to yourself (even if consciously you feel they aren't 100% true yet) will actually confirm that belief is true.

Affirm Your Desires

What is it that you truly want? Not just today or this moment...but for your forever. When you are performing your mundane activities, where is your mind wandering off to? Imagine if you ran into an old highschool or college friend and they asked what you are up to or what are you doing with your life now. What response would truly excite you to share? Is it your current reality or where you desire to be? Chances are you wish to share that you are doing what you truly desire and dream of.

So let's make that your new reality. Dig deep, find your desires and speak them to yourself daily as if you have achieved them.

If you want to own your own business and to create your own schedule; say, "I am a successful entrepreneur" and, "I have a thriving business that is growing and helping others." If you are wanting to make a healthy lifestyle change, say, "I am becoming stronger and healthier everyday"or, "I radiate confidence and strength."

Affirm it, follow it and live it out!

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Benefits of Positive Affirmations

The benefits are endless when you have power over your mind. You can shed that layer of uncertainty and fear and manifest a positive outcome you truly desire. The benefits encompass your whole life; mental, emotional, physical well being, spiritual and social.

The benefits create space in you, a positive space full of joy. This space will begin to leak into every aspect of your life. Becoming a magnet for what you desire, hope and dream of.

5 Ways to Incorporate Affirmation into your Life Today

  • Look in the mirror either before bed or after waking up and recite 3-5 positive affirmations.

  • Change the screensaver on your phone, tablet and/or laptop to your favorite affirmation.

  • When fear or anxiety creep in during your daily work, combat it immediately with something positive.

  • Set your morning alarm to go off with added affirmations to start your day off right.

  • Ignite the power of positive affirmation using aromatherapy. Incorporate essentials oils to really tap into the emotion of your affirmation.

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Whatever way you choose, make sure it works for you and keep it consistent. Consistency is key, because flipping your mindset and cleaning out your subconscious is a process. Take the journey and love yourself!

I love to hear from you! Please share your favorite positive affirmation or one you plan to speak daily! Share it in the comments below or head over to instagram and tag me with it @lifelivedfearless .


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